April 23, 2024

Ant Design System for Figma 5.16

The new 5.16 version introduces new components and support for Figma typography variables.

Ant Design System for Figma

  • Added support for typography variables in styles
  • Added support for typography variables in components
  • Added a new component, OTP (One-time password input)
  • Added dropdown icons to Multiple type of Select component
  • Added a new state variant to Select Input Items
  • Added a new component Progress / Circular progress bar
  • Added a text property to the Message component
  • Added two small variants with tabs to Card / Basic
  • Added a text property to Tag / Colorful
  • Added Menu collapse interactions
  • Added hover state interaction to Input/Filled
  • Added interaction with hover state to Input/Password and interaction with the icon
  • Adjusted the documentation on the website and in the Figma file for the Typography
  • Variables in the components have been corrected according to the Ant documentation
  • Fixed the text property in the Cascader Item
  • Fixed checkbox interactions with Hover and inactive state
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

Theme Buddy Plugin

  • Added Import mode
  • Added support for Ant Design System for Figma 5.16
  • Added support for AntBlocks UI 1.4
  • Added serial key verification
  • Added feature that remembers version choice

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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