March 6, 2024

Ant Design System for Figma 5.15

The Ant Design System for Figma 5.15 update introduces new components and variants, updates existing components with new variables and states, enhances configuration support, and improves usability with fixes to ensure consistency across the design system.

  • Added component DatePicker Input / Filled
  • Added Multiple variants to DatePicker Input / Outlined and updated the name for Outlined instead of Basic
  • Added new variables to button components (defaultHoverBg, defaultHoverColor, defaultHoverBorderColor, defaultActiveBg, defaultActiveColor, defaultActiveBorderColor)
  • Added Flex and ConfigProvider pages with information on these components
  • Redesigned Table component and added Hover state.
  • Updated Button component with new variables.
  • Updated the height of Multiple Selection Items in the Small variant
  • Updated the Theme Buddy Plugin to support the new version
  • Added two levels of Menu Item / Inline / Navigation Item. This should help avoid any issues with overwriting instance dimensions.
  • Corrected the "clip content" feature in the simple variant card advanced
  • The main component no longer has **, and the name of the 'item' component has been changed to 'Component Name / Component Item'
  • Fixed a bug with the dropdown button basic
  • Fixed the paddings match up between main items and menu components

Preview version 5.15 in Figma

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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