November 14, 2023

Ant Design System for Figma 5.11

We added full variables support, redesigned the Style Guide and added the 'Edit Theme' page.

General Changes

  • The style guide has been applied for a more user-friendly organization with documentation for Typography, Color, Size, Space & Radius and Effects.
  • Added the “Edit Theme” page to support you with the process of customizing the system.
  • Simplified the effects and shadows.
  • The Token Studio is no longer supported - we entirely switched to the Figma variables.
  • Released Theme Buddy Plugin for Figma to help you transfer theme settings from Figma to code by converting Figma variables into a JSON format
  • The style guide has been reorganized, and now there are separate pages for Typography, Color, Size, Space & Radius, and Effects.
  • Added missing variables and removed unused variables.
  • Variables have been assigned appropriate properties.
  • Added component variables based on the Ant Design docs.
  • Grouped general variables into the global groups.

Changes to the components

  • Added title to the PopConfirm component.
  • Updated active styles of Input, InputNumber, Select, Cascader, TreeSelect, DatePicker, and ColorPicker

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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