January 4, 2023

Ant Design System for Figma 5.1

We've added new components and Figma Tokens Sync is now supported for version 5 + some extra announcements!

New components

  • new component QRCode has been added
  • new component Watermark has been added
  • new component Tabs / Container added


  • Figma Tokens Sync is now supported for version 5.1 of Ant Design System for Figma
  • added color tokens to seed group: colorPrimary, colorWarning, colorSuccess, colorError and colorInfo
  • updated documentation pages
  • minor bug fixes

Extra announcements

Ant Design System for Figma Templates (Coming soon)

Soon we are going to release Templates made with Ant Design System for Figma. Templates will contain all components from Ant Design System for Figma plus screens like Sign Up, Sign In, Settings, Blog, Dashboards, etc. The first template (based on crypto and finance), is almost ready, and it’s coming in a few weeks. You will be able to get templates each as a separate product or in a Premium Package.

Ant Design Job Board (Coming soon)

We are also working on Ant Design Job Board - a place for companies looking for talented designers with expertise in Figma and developers with expertise in React and Ant Design. This is an excellent opportunity for job seekers to connect with top companies in their field and for companies to find the best talent. Learn more here.

New payment provider

We’ve set up a new payment provider that supports more payment methods and countries. We received many complaints about Gumroad's failed payments (especially in India) and decided to switch to Lemon Squeezy. Starting today, everyone will be able to purchase the license via the new platform. People who purchased their licenses via Gumroad can still access their updates from their Gumroad library.

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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Stop wasting time on creating everything from scratch for every new project you start. Use pixel-perfect and handcrafted elements to design and implement your next Ant Design app efficiently.