July 21, 2022

Ant Design System for Figma 2.4

Version 2.4 introduces more tokens support in the Figma Tokens plugin: padding, height, border radius, and box shadow + minor changes and bug fixes

What’s new

  • added new tokens support in Figma Tokens plugin - Version 2.4 introduces more tokens support in the Figma Tokens plugin: padding, height, border radius, and box shadow. It means that you can now easily change the value of each token inside the plugin, and it will affect all elements in the file that use this token. View tutorial 📼

What’s changed

  • Renamed color styles names in the Extra group to match the exact names in the React code stylesheet

What’s fixed

  • minor bug fixes and improvements

How to get the new updates?

After each update you will get an e-mail with the updated files. You can also get the new files via your LemonSqueezy account and through your email with the receipt.

Learn how
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