Figma Component
Data Entry


TreeSelect component is a powerful UI element that enables users to select items from a hierarchical tree-like structure.

What is Figma TreeSelect?

The Figma TreeSelect component is a powerful UI element that enables users to select items from a hierarchical tree-like structure. It is commonly used when dealing with large sets of data organized in a tree format, allowing users to navigate and select specific items efficiently.

When to Use TreeSelect Component?

The TreeSelect component is particularly useful in scenarios where you have data organized in a hierarchical manner, such as category trees, organizational structures, or nested data representations. It allows users to drill down through the levels of the tree and select the desired item with ease.

How to Design TreeSelect Component?

Designing the TreeSelect component requires careful consideration of the tree structure and its visual representation. You should provide clear labels and icons to indicate parent and child nodes. Additionally, you may include search functionality or expand/collapse controls for a better user experience when dealing with extensive tree structures.

How TreeSelect Component is Designed in Ant Design System for Figma?

In the Ant Design System for Figma, the TreeSelect component adheres to the Ant Design principles, offering an intuitive and user-friendly interface for navigating and selecting items from hierarchical data. The system provides options for customizing the appearance of the tree nodes, including icons, colors, and expand/collapse animations. Moreover, the TreeSelect component is designed to work seamlessly with other components in the Ant Design system, ensuring a consistent and cohesive design language.

What is Ant Design System for Figma?

Ant Design System for Figma is a comprehensive design resource that incorporates the Ant Design principles and components into the Figma environment. It enables designers to work seamlessly with the Ant Design system directly within Figma, making the design process smoother and more efficient. By using the Ant Design System for Figma, designers gain access to a wide range of components, styles, and icons, including the popular TreeSelect component, all of which help maintain design consistency and accelerate the creation of high-quality user interfaces.

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