Figma Component
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Switch is a user interface component that represents a binary option, allowing users to toggle between two states.

What is Figma Switch?

Figma Switch is a user interface component that represents a binary option, allowing users to toggle between two states. It consists of a thumb (or handle) that can be dragged or clicked to change its position, indicating the current state of the switch.

When to Use Switch Component?

The Switch component is best used when you want to present users with a simple choice between two options or to enable/disable a specific feature or setting. It is commonly found in settings panels, preference menus, and any scenario where a binary selection is required.

How to Design Switch Component?

When designing the Switch component, focus on clarity and visual cues that make it easy for users to understand the available options and their current selection. Use distinct colors or labels for the two states to enhance visibility. Ensure that the switch transitions smoothly between states, providing immediate feedback to users upon interaction.

How Switch Component is Designed in Ant Design System for Figma?

In the Ant Design System for Figma, the Switch component is thoughtfully designed with attention to detail and usability. The visual style aligns with the Ant Design principles, ensuring a cohesive look and feel across the entire system. The Switch is designed to be easily distinguishable in both its on and off states, making it intuitive for users to grasp its current status.

What is Ant Design System for Figma?

Ant Design System for Figma is a comprehensive design resource that integrates the Ant Design principles and components into the Figma environment. It empowers designers to seamlessly work with the Ant Design system directly within Figma, streamlining the design process and fostering efficiency. By utilizing the Ant Design System for Figma, designers gain access to a diverse array of components, styles, and icons, including the popular Switch component, all of which contribute to consistent design and accelerated development of high-quality user interfaces.

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